Monday, April 18, 2011

Battle Slots PC Game Review

Battle Slots PC Game Review

Phantom EFX and 8MonkeyLabs bring something entirely new to the table with the recently released Battle Slots. This is an rpg in every sense, really. There is the overly dramatic (but delightfully so) hero who finds an ancient weapon and, of course, immediately sets off to save the world. Your hero does all the usual things. There is a map of various destinations to visit, and new roads open up as you advance in the game. By visiting the tavern, your hero learns about new quests and side quests that are available to him (and are marked on the map with exclamation points). As the brave hero sets off on various roads, random monsters pop up and you are given the choice to flee or fight.  

Like any respectable rpg, you must gather gold and experience points in order to do well on your adventure. Your gold can be spent at the store, but it can also be used donate to places like the zoo or the academy. Donating to a place will upgrade it, and gives your hero and his allies advantages over opponents. Experience will increase your strength, and you’ll also gather runes and symbols along the way that will make your character a worthy champion. You can even equip different attacks (techniques) and runes whenever you like, tailoring your attack style to your environment.
Battle Slots is a fairly respectable rpg, if a bit standard, but where it shines is by bringing in the unexpected aspect of slots. The main issue that most people have with slots games is that they get old rather quickly. Much like real life, you really can’t influence how the reels will spin, and even avid slots fans will get tired of just clicking “spin” after a while. What Battle Slots does is take all attractive elements of slots – the thrill of a good spin and the pure chance of random luck – and embeds them in a game where you actually can control what’s going on. In Battle Slots, you can even tweak how often certain symbols occur in relation to others. This is quite important, as the matches you make spinning the reels earn mana for attacks against your opponents as well as healing spells.  
Final Thoughts
Battle Slots is just a great game. It makes slots more interesting by adding a very well-done rpg element, and it makes the rpg stand out from the crowd with its customizable magic slot machine. I recommend it to slots fans, of course, but old school rpg fans will also be pleasantly surprised. I give Battle Slots an 8.5 out of 10, and recommend you give it a try.  

Battle Slots PC Game Review 


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